Company Profile
BODY WEAR MANUFACTURER (M) SDN.BHD. was incorporated on 19th December ,2003 vide the Certificate of Incorporation No : 637550-A, and commenced her business operation on the same year.The factory is located in Padang Serai,Kedah, Bodywear has grown to become the Malaysian's largest supplier of garments/uniforms for Industrial,government,semi government and private sector.
Why Custome make
In today's highly competitive markets, it is important to stand out from the competitor. All corporates & organisations understand the need to identify themselves in they're market, image and branding are now, more than ever, the key element in getting company to be noticed.
Clothing are one of a simple, inexpensive and functional solution to image or brand promotion, it also response as a need for coherency in corporate image as part of a uniform for staff, sales team or the general workforce, where there is a need to be smart but casual.
Clothing are one of a simple, inexpensive and functional solution to image or brand promotion, it also response as a need for coherency in corporate image as part of a uniform for staff, sales team or the general workforce, where there is a need to be smart but casual.
What We Can DO
We are the expert in producing custom made uniforms and shirts. We supply and manufactured a large amount of custom clothing to companies requested for great looking & personalised designed. Any colours, cutting or designs you wished to have, we will consult you with the best outcome and outlook you ever wish for. We provide visuals, swatch samples and pre-production proofs for you and confirm the production will be exactly what you ordered and designed.
We do the following ( Meet our MOQ for custom make)
Clothing dyed to match corporate colours / Pantones.Self labelling – woven / printed neck & wash labels.Clothing with your logo / personalised buttons.Specific sizes to your specification.And whatever else you can think up and we can do.
We do the following ( Meet our MOQ for custom make)
Clothing dyed to match corporate colours / Pantones.Self labelling – woven / printed neck & wash labels.Clothing with your logo / personalised buttons.Specific sizes to your specification.And whatever else you can think up and we can do.